Roya Gholami

September 3, 2018

Distributed Antenna Array systems

Ubiquitous coverage and high data rates are significant characteristics of future wireless systems. In traditional cellular systems, base-stations are located at the cell center to serve users, which are spatially distributed, across the cell. However, the dead spots within the cell caused by shadowing and penetration loss may significantly degrade the radio propagation strength of communication links, which in turn limit performance of the system. Such performance degradation is most […]
September 3, 2018

Models of channel fading

Communications over wireless medium are very appealing, because they enable mobility, however are special challenging due to the variation of the channel over the time and over frequency band. Channel is the physical medium that is used to send the signal from the transmitter to the receiver. The radio link between the transmitter and receiver may vary from the ones where transmitter and receiver are in simply line of sight […]